How To Be Successful in All Areas of Your Life
Want to Know How to Be Successful?
The Coaching Muse Can Show You How
to be Successful in all Areas of Your Life.
We Give You the Tools
and Keys For Your Success
“Welcome to The Coaching Muse the Doorway
to Your Future Success”
So… you want to know how to be successful in your business, your career, your relationships, your health and wellbeing and in short your life…? Well you have come to the right place. Have you ever wondered how the successful people on this planet are able to maintain their success over a long period of time and how many of them are revered the world over for their extraordinary abilities to communicate and gather people around them to support their vision? Of course they have had to work hard to get where they are but why are they successful and many are not? What skills do they possess that many do not?
The Answer Lies in That Extra Something That Gives Them The Edge
The Coaching Muse can give you that edge. Step into our world and discover the secrets of successful people and begin your own journey to Personal Empowerment, Success and Contentment. Find out how to be successful and change your life to the kind of life you want to be living.
The Coaching Muse offers a range of services all designed to assist you to change your life and to show you how to be successful in your life – a life that you successfully create on your own terms every single day.
Check out the website and explore the range of options that we offer to assist you in changing your life.
Perhaps it is time to hire your own personal Life Coach or Business Coach who can assist you to change your life and to let go of the blockages that are preventing you from living the life that you want.
Register for one of our trainings in NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy (R), Life Coaching, Business Coaching or perhaps one of our Weekend Seminars for Creating Success, Gaining the Business Edge or Hypnosis.
Perhaps it is time for you to get away from your life for a period of time to really focus on yourself and what it is that you want in your life both now and in the future. Check out our Journey of a Lifetime Retreat Tour of Egypt where you spend 18 days exploring Egypt and along the way you learn about yourself and let go of all that is blocking your success. Maybe 18 days is too long to be away, so check out our Wellness Spa Retreats and take that step to Living a truly successful life.
Perhaps you are ready to explore more spiritual pursuits like Astrology and would like to have an astrology consultation where you will learn the intricacies of your personal blueprint thereby allowing you greater understanding of yourself and even of those with whom you share your life.

Rhonnda Fritz The Coaching Muse
“If you want to know how to be successful and how to live the life you want to live, or if you have problems and blockages standing in your way, The Coaching Muse is here to help.
Whatever the problem that is blocking your pathway to a successful life, or whatever knowledge you seek to get you on your pathway to success, you may well find the solution you seek right here.”
Services The Coaching Muse Provides
Life Coaching to assist you to remove the blockages preventing you from living the kind of life you want to live and assisting you in creating and achieving your goals in every area of your life. Some of the issues we can assist you with include:
- anger management
- depression, sadness, rejection, abandonment and grief
- lack of self esteem and confidence
- health, wellness and fitness
- relationship issues including marriage and relationship counselling
- life purpose and career
- life transitions and changes
- presentation skills
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Live the life you want to live on your own terms free from inner restrictions that block your happiness and success – hypnosis and hypnotherapy can assist you in this process. We can assist with a range of issues including but not limited to:
- hypnosis for anxiety and stress relief
- weight loss hypnosis to assist with your weight loss program
- stop smoking hypnosis to assist you to beat the addiction
- hypnosis for sleep disorders to assist you to get a good nights sleep
- hypnosis to improve your health and fitness
- removal of phobias and fears
- Past Life Regression
Business Coaching to assist with taking your business to the next level of success and to eliminate the blockages that are holding you back. Business Coaching can act as a reality check for your business. You business coach is there as a sounding board for your ideas and to “kick your butt” so that you achieve the goals that you set. With the rate of change happening in the business world and the increased competition in the marketplace it is becoming more important to business owners than ever to spend more time working “on” their business rather than “in” their business to provide what the marketplace is demanding.
Business Coaching helps to take some of the stress out of being in business because your coach is their to help you every step of the way to stay ahead of your competition. Our business coaching programs are tailored to your specific business needs.
Training and Development to provide you with new tools in your quest to be more successful. Our trainings and seminars are designed to show you how to be successful in all areas of your life. Trainings and seminars we offer include:
- 7 day Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy Certification Training that includes bonus certification in Time Line Therapy (TM). Training also includes extensive breakthrough therapy life makeovers for all participants and ongoing support for
- Holistic Hypnosis Weekend Workshop – Tap into the wonderful world of self hypnosis and wellness
- Secret of Success Weekend Seminar
- Online Coaching Programs and Products
- Breaking Free of the Matrix One Day Seminar – Learn How to Break free from negative emotions and limiting decisions that are holding you back. Learn how to use the power of the mind to tap into your own hidden extensive bank of resources to change your life.
Retreats to give you extended time away from your normal life so that you can concentrate on you and what you want from your life while you work with our highly trained and experienced coaches and trainers to change your thinking about being successful, gain more control over your environment through your thoughts and feelings, clear away the blockages preventing you from having the life you want and set new life patterns, behaviours, goals and milestones for your future. We offer a range of Retreats throughout the year and they include:
Journey of a Lifetime Retreat Tour of Egypt the Ultimate Life Makeover
Wellness Spa Retreats on the Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and Various Other Locations
Couples Retreats to Give Your Relationship a Makeover
Retreats for Women on the Go Who Need Time Out to Rejuvenate and reassess where they are in their life now and where they want to be in the future
Astrology to give you insight into who you are at a deep level, how you relate to others and why your life is the way it is right now and how to change it.
Astrological Coaching and mind empowerment
Astrology Consultations
Astrology Training
The Coaching Muse is here to assist you so why not sign up for our FREE 90 Minute Webinar and discover how you can unplug yourself from the Matrix and create all the success in your life that you want. Please be assured that we value your privacy and our ongoing relationship with you, so we will never share or sell your information.