Myths of Hypnosis
Hypnosis – What is True Fact and What is Myth and Not True
Myth – Being hypnotized means losing control. If I give over control I will be forced to do things that I don’t want to do.
Fact – A person in a hypnotic state has full control and does not have to accept or act upon any suggestion that is contrary to their belief system. The Unconscious Mind will not allow you to accept any suggestions that are contrary to your values or different to anything that you wouldn’t normally agree to do in a normal waking state. For instance if you were told under hypnosis to go out and rob a bank the chances of you following through with it are remote unless you had criminal intentions in the waking state and robbing banks was something you would be open to doing.
Myth – Not everyone can be hypnotized.
Fact – The state of hypnosis is a natural state similar to daydreaming or meditation and can be achieved by anyone interested in being hypnotized. There is no right or wrong way to feel while under hypnosis and the depth as well as the experience itself varies greatly. Being hypnotized is simply the process of relaxing and following instructions that you are being given. Whether you choose to follow those instructions is up to you. People who say that they can’t be hypnotized are simply either not following instructions or they are choosing to prove that they can’t be hypnotized by not relaxing and maintaining control over their state and in the process missing out on the opportunity to experience a wonderful relaxing experience.
Myth – Hypnosis is dangerous.
Fact – Hypnosis is in no way dangerous or harmful either physically or psychologically as evidenced by its acceptance as a therapeutic technique and its widespread use by the medical and mental health professionals. Everybody experiences hypnosis every single day through the media, advertising, learning at schools, universities, listening to the sermon on Sunday at your church – everyday naturally occuring events have elements of hypnosis to them.
Myth – Some people can’t come out of hypnosis.
Fact – There has never been a documented case of someone remaining under hypnosis. In fact coming out of hypnosis is refreshing and relaxing to most individuals who often compare this feeling to waking up from a deep or restful sleep. People who have fallen into a deep hypnotic state simply fall into a deep sleep and eventually wake up when they are ready.
Myth – People who get hypnotized don’t remember anything that happened to them.
Fact – People who are hypnotized remember everything as if recalling a dream they just had. The reason that hypnosis is used therapeutically is that positive suggestions or experiences that occur while under hypnosis are processed in the subconscious yet remembered in the conscious unless you are given the instruction to forget. If you are given an instruction to forget it is usually given in therapy and always with your prior consent to this being part of the specific therapy. Hypnosis for smoking and weightloss are two areas where instructions to forget something are often given.
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Peter’s Journey to Success Through Life Coaching
How Life Coaching Sessions Gave Peter
The Tools to Change His Life
A few years ago, I met a guy with an amazing story. His story is actually no different to hundreds of other stories that I have heard but Peter (not his real name) came to a crossroad and the decision that he made at that point changed the direction of his life.
Peter grew up in a large family in the country. His Mother took in washing and ironing to keep food on the table for her family. His father was a gambler and an alcoholic who came home drunk every night. His Mother insisted on the children being in bed before he got home but it was difficult to ignore the abuse she endured night after night through the thin walls. At 15, Peter left home and went to Sydney where he got involved with a gang, experimented with drugs (thankfully he decided they weren’t for him) and made alcohol, crime and violence his way of life. He spent time in jail on several occasions and made some extremely dangerous and unsavoury friends.
When he was 25, Peter’s Mother died and this had a major effect on him. Within 2 years he moved away from Sydney to Melbourbne. He worked as a labourer on a building site. He left his life of crime behind but just like his father, he buried himself in the bottom of a glass every day. A good night out for him was to get drunk and get involved in a fight.
When he was 34, he met his wife and they had 2 children, built a home, moved to Qld and eventually he bought his own business. His life seem to be working fine for a number of years.
However, Peter was a very angry and unhappy man. He began drinking heavily again and his wife was frequently the target for emotional abuse. He began his drinking and fighting cycle again and his business began to decline. Unlike his father, he had a great relationship with his children and Peter and his wife went to great lengths to maintain the illusion of a happy family when they were around.
But eventually his life came to a crisis point and that’s when I met him. I have to admit I was more than a little reluctant to work him. But, when someone comes to you and says that they need to deal with their anger issues because they are afraid they are going to shoot their family and themselves if they don’t get help, you need to take action. I frequently use my astrology profiling skills before I begin working with someone. Peter was a very strong Scorpio. In fact he had several planets in Scorpio and they were all being activated in a big way. Scorpios have a reputation for being passionate and when that is mixed with alcohol it can be very nasty. If there was ever a time for him to take action in his life it was at that moment and mine was the door that he knocked on for help.
I opened the door to this angry Scorpio who was covered in black tattoos. I said a prayer to every god on the planet to assist me. I was certainly in foreign territory because the things that Peter told me about himself were enough to make my hair stand on end. For instance, he told me that he was carrying a cricket bat around in his car boot because he had seen someone in town from his old life in Sydney who’d hooked a former girlfriend of his on drugs. To use his words, when he found him he was going to beat the crap out of him until he was dead. He was deadly serious and didn’t care that he would go back to jail. As he talked about it, his whole neurology was lit up like a christmas tree. So at that point I asked him if he really wanted to let go of his anger and to my surprise he was adament that he had to.
So I took him through the anger intervention with Time Line TherapyTM which took about 10 minutes. At the end of the process, he was adament that his anger had gone, but part of me was extremely skeptical. So I said to him.. “that cricket bat you’re carrying around….” and he laughed a genuine laugh and said “that’s a pretty bloody stupid thing to do isn’t it?” “I’m not going to waste my life on some low life.” We then let go of sadness and a couple of other negative emotions and limiting decisions and he left. He looked totally different as he left.
He came back the next week and he said he felt like he had no life. His whole life had been based on anger and violence and now it was gone. We spent a couple of hours cleaning up some issues using NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM including his desire to drink alcohol and we created a new future for him.
I was to see him again in two weeks. But I received a call from his wife prior to the next session cancelling his appointment. Now this didn’t please me because up until then he had been completing the tasks I set for him, so I told her to tell him to call me. She told me that she is living with a completely new man who she is enjoying getting to know. She told me that I had saved her husband and her family but I assured her that it was Peter who had done that because without his strong desire to change his life, nothing would have changed.
A few hours later, Peter called me and I told him that we had an agreement that he would complete the therapy sessions but he said to me.. “Rhonnda, I’m sorry but I really can’t make it. I do have a very good reason. In the last two weeks I have won 2 multi million dollar contracts, I’m up to my neck in hiring more staff and for the first time in my life, I feel like I am truly alive. I don’t need to see you.” I felt a great rush of pleasure run through me and I knew he was telling me the truth. So I said to him… “Peter that is great news. Telling me that you don’t need me anymore is the greatest compliment you can give me particularly with what I hear in your voice.”
I hear from him from time to time and he’s doing just fine. It’s never too late to create a successful life. All it takes is a desire to do so.
Do you want to make a change in your life? Contact me today.
Until next time… keep dreaming your dreams
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What is Your Idea of Success?

How You Define the Word Success Determines How You Create and Achieve Success in Your Life
Success is a word that has a million and one meanings. Here at The Coaching Muse we are totally absorbed with the idea of being successful and eliminating any of the blocks that stand in the way of creating a successful life. We are passionate about assisting our clients and students to be the very best that they can possibly be and to live the life that they really want to live and more importantly to live it on their own terms. But how do you define success? What does success mean to you?
Success can be having all the wealth and abundance you can handle in your life, or it can be as simple as being alive and enjoying a magnificent sunrise and any number of things in between. Before you can be successful you need to define the word success and what it means to you. It is the way that you define success that creates the success in your life. You can create whatever you want in your life – in fact you do it on an ongoing basis every second of every day. Imagine what you could create in your life if you applied conscious thought to the process and created your ideal version of success and actually had that come to fruition in your life?
So what is your idea of success? What does being successful mean to you? What did you want for yourself when you were still young enough to believe in the tooth fairy and in Santa Claus? What is it that you want for yourself now – you know those secret things that you keep to yourself and don’t share with others for fear that your dreams will be trampled on or even worse you don’t believe in enough to make them into a reality or even far worse, that you are afraid to make happen because you don’t believe at a deep unconscious level that you deserve to be highly successful in your life at everything that you do. It may seem odd to read that but sadly this is the fate of so many people out there who give up on the dreams that they had as a child for their grownup self.
Success begins with an idea and the idea always comes from you…. Why don’t you right now make a list of everything that you can think of that reminds you of being successful and from that you will begin to form an image of what being successful really means to you – not someone else’s idea of success but you own.
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Time LIne Therapy – What is it and How Does it Work to Change Your Life
Time Line Therapy™ was developed in 1985 by Dr Tad James one of the world’s leading Master Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) Trainers. Time Line Therapy™ was in part developed by using the modelling tools from NLP and Hypnosis.
Your Time Line is how your unconscious mind encodes and stores your memories. It’s how you know the difference between a past memory, and a future dream? Your Time Line is largely an unconscious process, and like remembering your home phone number, you may be more or less aware of it from time to time. Behavioral change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. People don’t change consciously. The Time Line Therapy™ process allows you to work at the unconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences and change “inappropriate” programming in minutes rather than days, months or years as happens with traditional therapy practices.
Time Line Therapy™ is an excellent form of therapy for quickly and effectively releasing negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and grief and for eliminating limiting decisions like for example “I can’t make enough money”, “I’m not happy”, I can’t have a satisfying and loving relationship”, “I can’t be successful”. Healing and clearing the past – in short getting rid of all the “baggage” that prevents you from having exactly the kind of successful life you want – is the key to perfect health, wealth, happiness and longevity.
Once you have cleared away the “baggage” of the past, Time Line Therapy™ also is used to create the future. Thousands of people all over the world now lead healthy, happy and fulfilling lives and are in charge of their future health, wealth and happiness as a result of either being trained in Time Line Therapy ™ techniques or from breakthrough sessions that they have had with Time Line Therapy™ Practitioners, Master Practitioners and Trainers.
While many people take NLP and Time Line Therapy(R) trainings for their own personal growth and development, they are also of the utmost value to the professional. Among the many trained Time Line Therapy™ practitioners and trainers around the world, there are Medical Practitioners, Nurses, people working in the field of Psychiatry, Hypnotherapists, Priests and Ministers of Religion, Law Enforcement Officials and Emergency Service Workers as well as people working in Government, Teachers, Trainers and Educators, Business Executives and Owners, Managers, Salespeople, Athletes, Entertainers and Performers and the list goes on.
Time Line Therapy (TM) is a highly successful tool for giving you the freedom to live your life on your own terms simply by eliminating all negative emotion that has been stored at the Unconscious level for a very long time.
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The Prime Directives of Your Unconscious Mind
The Prime Directives of the unconscious mind provide a framework for the context of doing, Hypnosis, NLP, Time Line Therapy™ or coaching with yourself or others. The model of the Prime Directives gives us some powerful assumptions which structure our use of the tool and of the techniques available for us to use. The term Prime Directives means that the unconscious mind is “hard wired” (meaning that it comes from the factory this way) and is set-up to provide or to do the following:
1.TO STORE OUR MEMORIES: The unconscious mind provides the coordination for the storage of memories. Research as far back as 1957 (the Penfield Study) indicates that everything that happens is recorded faithfully and stored as memory. You may remember that in 1957, they probed a woman’s brain with an electrode, and she remembered everything that happened during a birthday party when she was a very young child. She remembered the feel of the fabric of her dress, the taste and smell of her birthday cake, how her mother and her friends looked, etc.., as if she were actually there. As a result of that study, neuro-physicists postulated in 1957 that everything that happens to us is stored in the brain in full detail. In 1960, Carl Pribram won the Nobel Prize for his theory that expanded the place of storage of memories from the brain to every cell in the entire body, when he postulated that memories were stored holographically in the nervous system. It is the unconscious mind that is responsible for the coordination of the storage of and for access to these memories.
2.ORGANIZES ALL OUR MEMORIES: The unconscious mind organizes all the memories which are stored in the nervous system . The way it organizes these memories is that it uses “indexes” to point to the stored memories and to allow you to access these memories. Your Time Line is one such index, the organization of your values is another such index that the unconscious mind uses.
3. THE DOMAIN OF THE EMOTIONS: The unconscious mind is the domain of the emotions. Even though they are often felt consciously, emotions are not the domain of the conscious mind. They are generated by, maintained by, and are the responsibility of the unconscious mind.
4.REPRESSES MEMORIES WITH UNRESOLVED NEGATIVE EMOTIONS: Now, here is where some interesting paradoxical situations can begin to occur. The unconscious mind is also charged with the responsibility of repressing memories with unresolved negative emotion. The emphasis here is on “unresolved.” The memory will be repressed with the emotion intact until it can be resolved. The unresolved negative emotion can cause some repression of the content of the memory to the extent of the intensity of the emotion, and to the unresolvedness. (These repressed memories are visible in the Time Line as dark or missing areas.) The repressed negative emotions are trapped in the body, and in many cases can cause blockages to the flow of communication through the neural network pathways of the body.
5. PRESENT REPRESSED MEMORIES TO RELEASE THE EMOTIONS: Memories which have been repressed are then presented to release the trapped negative emotions. This is the next function which the unconscious mind is “supposed” to perform, and it is a function which can be a long term function. Supposed is in quotes because in a number of cases, and with disfavor from the conscious mind, the unconscious mind will stop presenting the memories for release and keep them repressed. If the conscious mind can, at the time of presentation of the memory, release the emotions by “rationalizing” (making rational, preserving the learnings) the memory can be cleared of the negative emotions.
6. KEEP REPRESSED EMOTIONS REPRESSED FOR PROTECTION: The Unconscious Mind also has the option of keeping the memories repressed. In some cases this is what the unconscious mind does. This is a short term function, however, and in the long run the unconscious mind will continue to attempt to present the memories so that they can be released, because repressed emotions are just not good for the body. (See Prime Directive number 8.)
7. TO RUN THE BODY: The unconscious mind has also been called the “body-mind” or the mind of the body, and in performing this function, it provides the consciousness, and the direction for the functioning of the body.
8.TO PRESERVE THE BODY: The unconscious mind is also in charge of preserving the body. This means, other things being equal, that if you walk out to the street and step in front of a bus, your unconscious mind will endeavour to alert you to the impending danger so that you jump back out of the way, and remain safesafe. In times of extreme danger, many people notice that the unconscious mind takes over, and the conscious mind is not at all involved at that moment.
9.TO BE A HIGHLY MORAL BEING: This is not necessarily a Prime Directive as much as it is an instinct that is built in. The unconscious mind will enforce any morality which it has been taught and has come to believe is true. This Prime Directive is included, however, because it is so important in healing. If the Unconscious Mind thinks that you have been bad, then of course, you will have to be punished. In healing, then it is important to know if the unconscious mind feels as though it needs to punish you. The question might arise, “What kind of morality are we talking about?” We are talking about any kind of morality which the Unconscious Mind has been taught and which it believes.
10. TO TAKE DIRECTION, FOLLOW ORDERS: The unconscious mind likes to have direction from the conscious mind and it likes to be in rapport with the conscious mind. If there is no rapport, the unconscious mind will not follow the orders or directions from the conscious mind. With rapport, the unconscious mind will follow just about any direction from the conscious mind. Trust is important to develop in this context, because the unconscious mind is in charge of our physical and many of our mental processes and therefore rapport between the conscious and unconscious mind is a must.
11.TO CONTROL AND MAINTAIN ALL PERCEPTIONS: As our sensory perceptions come in to the neurology from outside the body, they must pass through the unconscious mind before they become available as conscious perceptions. The unconscious mind is in charge of filtering the massive amount of data that comes in, and making it manageable for understanding by the conscious mind. You may have heard that one estimate is that we have approximately 11,000,000 bits of information coming in through all our sensory input channels. The unconscious mind filters these down to manageable chunks of information. But of course not all the information that we have coming at us can be processed consciously so much of it is processed through our senses.
12. TO GENERATE, STORE, DISTRIBUTE AND TRANSMIT ENERGY: As the “manager” of the body, the unconscious mind also is in charge of the energy of the body. Most of the energy in the body is generated by the interaction of glucose with oxygen. Since the unconscious mind is in charge of the energy, it can be asked to increase the energy in the body for various purposes including weight loss and healing.
13.TO RESPOND WITH INSTINCT AND HABIT: Some instincts are built-in at birth such as the Fight or Flight response. Habits are cultivated over time. The unconscious mind is responsible for generating and maintaining both instincts and habits over time.
14. NEEDS REPETITION BUILDING HABITS: When cultivating a habit it is a good idea to repeat it often until it is taken-over by the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is really in an on-going “now” most of the time, and so needs a fair amount of repetition to build a habit.
15. TO CONTINUALLY SEEK MORE AND MORE: The unconscious mind is directed to continually seek more and more. So the new car you just had to have, and you finally bought seemed like “just any old car” after a short period of time (say, three weeks), and perhaps you were prompted to wonder, “what’s next?” Unfortunately many people also have this attitude to relationships and wonder why they can’t maintain a healthy and stable relationship over an extended period of time.
16. WILL HAVE OPTIMUM FUNCTIONING WITH A MINIMUM OF PARTS: The unconscious mind will function perfectly with a minimum of parts. In fact, the fewer parts the better. Since more parts means more possibility of inner conflict, and since each part cannot be expected to have the intention of the whole as its highest intention, the fewer parts the better. The most perfect functioning occurs as a whole integrated functioning unity.
17. IS SYMBOLIC: The unconscious mind is symbolic. It is in many areas, pre- literate, so it creates and uses, and responds to symbols (thank you Carl Jung for first pointing this out to us). Much of what the unconscious mind gives us is symbolic. This does not mean that it is meaningless, quite the contrary, the symbols can be interpreted, and will have significant meaning. We need to learn to interpret our dreams and the signs around us that become part of our focus because these are messages from our unconscious mind.
18. WORKS ON THE PRINCIPLE OF LEAST EFFORT: The unconscious mind works on the principle of least effort, and that means it will do as little as it can get away with. This principle serves the unconscious mind well in energy conservation, but not necessarily in healing various symptoms. For example, if you are asking the unconscious mind to clear up certain symptoms, you must ask the unconscious mind when it will start and when it will finish the process, or you may find six months later the process is incomplete. When asked, “why?” The unconscious mind may simply say, “I haven’t started yet.”
19. TAKES EVERYTHING PERSONALLY: Remember that old saying when you were a kid, “One finger’s pointing out away from you, but three are pointing back at you?” That is because the unconscious mind takes everything personally. The good news is that what you like about your friend, is you. The bad news is that what you dislike about your friend, is also you. The saying in psychology is, “Perception is projection.” What you see is who you are. So think the best about everybody you meet. If you are practicing as a therapist, educator, or manager, especially, think the best about your clients or students – think that they are magnificent, and that they can and will change using Hypnosis, Coaching, NLP, Time Line Therapy™, (or any other therapy) and they will. Based on the work of George Estabrooks (1943) and Andre Weitzenhoffer (1957), that what the therapist (or educator, or manager) does not believe to be true will not be actualized by the client. If you believe that they can do anything, then they will. If you see your clients as magnificent they will be magnificent. The more good you see in your clients the more they will actualize that good for you, and for themselves. The more you do that, the more your own unconscious mind will feel good about you, and prosper. Honor and respect the unconscious mind. If you can, love the unconscious mind. You and your unconscious mind are going to be together for a long, long time, so you might as well get along well. If you can remember your magnificence you will be magnificent!
20. CANNOT PROCESS A NEGATIVE: Finally, and we have already discussed this earlier, make sure you are telling your unconscious mind what to do, think, be; as opposed to telling it what not to do, think, be. Enough said.. Your Time Line is how your unconscious mind encodes and stores your memories. It’s how you know the difference between a past memory, and a future dream? Your Time Line is largely an unconscious process, and like remembering your home phone number, you may be more or less aware of it from time to time.
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What is Hypnosis
Welcome to the exciting world of Hypnosis. Hypnosis is one of the secret keys to changing your life. Every single day we are all willingly exposed to Hypnosis and are not even remotely aware of it. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state and advertisers and politicians are highly aware of the ways to use it to lull you into a state of trance induced acceptance.
Once you do relax into this state it is possible to communicate with the unconscious mind at a very deep level. The Unconscious Mind is responsible for running the body and for storing our memories and emotions as well as our negative emotions and bringing those emotions to the surface to be dealt with. Letting go of negative emotions and beliefs at a deep level can bring about amazing transformation in your life. Hypnotheapy and hypnosis are in fact one and the same principle except that when you are using hypnosis for the purpose of therapy and changing issues from the past at a deep level or changing habits and addictions it is known as hypnotherapy.
Consider this for a moment… You’re driving to work taking the same route you take every morning and suddenly you realise you’ve reached your destination and you don’t remember actually getting there…. (scary thought, but just how many times have you actually done it – I know I’ve done it several times.)….
What about late at night and you’re watching television and you begin to feel sleepy so in the ad breaks you close your eyes ever so slightly. It’s ok for the first couple of ads but then it gets harder to open your eyes and so you decide.. “Well I’ll just listen to the show with my eyes closed”. But then, it’s not long before the “sleep spindles” get you and before you know it you’re sound asleep. Later you wake up and endeavour to understand the show on television because you only closed your eyes for a moment… right?
Have you ever listened to a meditation CD where you were taken on a guided journey into a blissful state of relaxation? Guess what, whether you sit and meditate on your own or you listen to someone taking you on a guided meditation journey, you are in fact under hypnosis.
These are examples of naturally occurring hynosis, so you are already good at hypnosis.
All hypnosis is self hypnosis. There is nothing that can happen to you within a hypnotic trance that can harm you because you are aware of what is going on around you the entire time. Your Unconscious Mind is programmed to protect you and so it will not allow you to take any suggestions on board that are going to harm you or go against the principles of your life blueprint.
Most people know hypnosis as hypnosis stage shows and are therefore expecting to have someone “do” things to them over which they have no control. This is far from the case and in fact is not possible. The people who get up on stage during hypnosis stage shows do so willingly and they are usually the same people who do crazy things at parties. When they are in trance they still have the capacity to choose whether they want to do what the Hypnotist is asking or not. Most people who get up on stage take the opportunity to have fun and be outrageous and then tell their friends they don’t remember. But until they choose to forget the experience, they remember everything despite their protestations to the contrary.
Hypnosis is extremely useful for changing the way you think at the unconscious level and for enhancing how you communicate with others to ensure a win/win outcome.
When you use hypnosis as an intervention for something like for instance to quit smoking, you make an agreement with the hypnotherapist and your Unconscious Mind to accept the suggestions and in most cases to forget the suggestions so that they will have the desired effect long after the session.
Hypnosis is not a do to process and the person who is being hypnotized has to take responsibility for going into trance. Part of the process of either performing hypnosis on another or even self hypnosis on yourself is to ensure that you surrender to the process. By that I mean that the conscious mind surrenders to the process of communicating with the unconscious mind and doesn’t interfere with the process.
Hypnosis is really fun and can open up so many possibilities for healing and for self empowerment. The only prerequisite is that you have the ability to follow instructions as they are given to you. I’ve had so many people tell me quite proudly that they can’t be hypnotized. What they are actually admitting to is an inability or willingness to follow instructions and I don’t know about you, but that is not something that I would be willing to admit to.
I haven’t asked anyone to quack like a duck. But I have given them suggestions to quack like a chicken from planet Zorgon which was rather fun during a hypnosis stage show. It’s amazing just how creative and entertaining some people can become.
Learning hypnosis opens you to a wide range of tools that can help you to clear away the blockages of the past and also help you to create an empowering and successful future. Learning about hypnosis and using hypnosis tools can really change your life and you never know where you will end up once you begin the journey!!
If you haven’t experienced the wonderful relaxing feeling of being in a deep trance, then do yourself a huge favour and seek out a hypnotherapist or buy a hypnosis CD. There is truly nothing like it for rejuvenating yourself.
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Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Can Change Your Life
Hypnosis has been around for thousands of years in various forms but it is only in the last century that we have come to understand how powerful it can be. Most people have a misperception that hypnosis is something to be scared of because it involves being controlled by someone against their will. This myth continues to be strengthened by television and movie writers because it creates great stories. The majority of people also think that hypnosis is what they see in stage shows where a hypnotist has people quacking like ducks and doing things they wouldn’t normally do. The belief is that the people on the stage are in fact doing these things against their will while they are in an alterred state of awareness.
The truth is that some people are highly suggestible and they like to play. The people you see up on stage are the same people that will race around doing crazy things either under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of just having fun at a party. The reality is that at the time they are completely aware of what they are doing and more than willing to play along even though they always deny it. Nobody can hypnotize you against your will, nor can they give you suggestions that will see you doing things that you wouldn’t normally do. For instance, if under hypnosis I was to give you a suggestion to go out and rob the local bank and you were a law abiding citizen, there is no way that you would follow through on that suggestion. Even the legal system has caught up with that one. Being under the influence of hypnosis is not an excusable reason for committing a crime in any court of law.
Hypnosis is an extremely powerful tool that enables you to communicate with your Unconscious Mind to assist with unlocking deep blockages that are preventing you from living the life you want to live. When hypnosis is being used in the context of therapy it is referred to as hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state in all of us. Have you noticed how when you relax and watch television how easy it is to be lulled into sleep? What about when driving – have you ever got to your destination and had no recollection of the things that you passed along the journey? Have you ever read a book when you have become so completely absorbed in the story that you’ve forgotten to eat and hours have slipped by without you noticing it? Have you ever been so engrossed in what you were doing that you didn’t notice someone talking to you? What about when you were in school or university listening to your lecturers – remember how you kind of slid off into a dazed trance listening to them drone on? These are all examples of naturally occurring hypnosis. All hypnosis is in fact self hypnosis and you cannot be hypnotised unless you are willing to relax into this naturally occurring state.
Once you do relax into this state it is possible to communicate with the unconscious mind at a very deep level. The Unconscious Mind is responsible for running the body and for storing our memories and emotions as well as our negative emotions and bringing those emotions to the surface to be dealt with. Letting go of negative emotions and beliefs at a deep level can bring about amazing transformation in your life. However, you need to be open to the possibility of change and of allowing yourself to go into a trance state.
You’re thinking, maybe if you just search a bit longer, you’ll finally discover the secret to creating the life that you really want. You hope to discover the secret to having control over the way you feel and the way you behave and to be able to influence the world around you. The fact is that you’ve always had this power inside you – you just didn’t know how to use it! Nobody has ever taught you the easy way of how to tap into your own power.
The super wealthy use it. The top athletes use it. Celebrities and people in the entertainment industry use it. In fact all peak performers use it! Now you can use Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy to enhance your life too!
Hypnosis is a scientifically verified and effective technique that can promote accelerated change in certain repetitive behaviours including smoking and weight loss, stress reduction, motivation and pain control. With Hypnosis you can create desired changes in your behaviour and encourage mental and physical well-being.
Within each of us there is a very powerful mechanism that is called our Unconscious Mind. The Unconscious Mind is in charge of many things one of which is running and maintaining your body. It also stores your memories and emotions, both good and bad, and presents them to you as you travel along life’s journey so you can resolve them. Now you can either choose to work with the Unconscious Mind or not. Either way the Unconscious Mind is still going to perform its function and you may not like when the Unconscious Mind chooses the moment to bring these issues up for resolution.
The way you feel and the way you think directly influences the way your life is functioning. This is not a conscious process but one that takes place at the unconscious level. Therefore, when you are not communicating effectively with your Unconscious Mind, or even worse, deny that it even exists, you tend to feel like your life is out of control. There is a tendency to immediately blame external forces, but, that is not the case.
The way it works is like this. What you feel and think in any given moment creates the external reality in the next moment. You cannot have an external reality until you have created it first internally. Everything you experience in your life is a projection from you. So if you are having a bad day and you are tempted to blame that person who you think is causing it, think again. They are simply reacting to the energy that you are projecting.
Now this is really good news. Because if you are creating your life in this random manner already, you can learn to work with the Unconscious Mind and create exactly the life you want. Now just for a minute think what you could achieve.
Do yourself a favour, learn to communicate effectively with your Unconscious Mind. There is a wealth of information about hypnosis out there just waiting for you as well as any number of courses and trainings you can take. Hypnosis really can release you from the constraints holding you back at the Unconscious level.
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Definition of Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP)
What is NLP?
Neuro Linguistic Propraming (NLP) is a communication model that was originally developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the early 1970s. John Grindler was a Professor of Linguistics at the University of California and Richard Bandler was a student of psychology. Together they studied three therapists who were at the top of their field. The therapists were Milton Erickson (a Hypnotherapist, Virginia Satir (a Family Therapist) and Fritz Pearls (a Psychotherapist and Gestalt Therapist). They were trying to find out why some people could effect changes within themselves very quickly and to then build a model that would allow others to build this excellence in behaviour and communication within themselves.
Many others have followed in their footsteps and have added to and enhanced their original model. NLP gives you the tools to not only enhance your own communication skills, both externally and internally, but it also allows you to quickly understand how others communicate. NLP also allows you to build instant rapport with others and to build strong relationships built on win/win outcomes. In the toolbox there is also a huge variety of tools to assist you in overcoming habits, tools to assist you in replacing strategies that don’t serve you well with new ones that work well and lead to enhancing your life. There are tools to help you have complete control over your internal state so that something like a lack of motivation or a tendency towards procrastination will never plague you again. There are tools to set goals and to achieve your desired outcomes, tools to model excellence in others and to install those behaviours in yourself, and so the long list goes on. The interesting thing is that the NLP tools are very flexible and can be used in a number of different ways.
NLP is being used in business, education and therapy all over the world and while it is not always referred to as NLP, many NLP techniques and practices are being adopted in mainstream business culture. Having the keys to the toolbox and knowing how to use the tools, empowers you in so many exciting ways.
NLP Definition
NLP is the study of the brain (neuro), how we language things internally and externally (linguistic) to produce specific behaviours (programmes).
The NLP belief is that all behaviours, beliefs, values, strategies that determine your results (programmes) are changeable.
Essentially, NLP is the study of excellence in human communication and behaviour and how to replicate it.
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