Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training
Attention all Therapists, Reiki Healers and Counsellors – Take Your Life to the Next Level With Our Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training
Become a Certified Hypnotherapist and Life Coach With Our Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training on Qld’s Beautiful Sunshine Coast
Training Includes Bonus 7 Day Personal Breakthrough
and Empowerment Sessions
Bonus Training in Using Highly Effective
Time Line Therapy (TM) Techniques
Bonus Ongoing Coaching and Support
Small Group Training
Join our Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training and open the door to unlimited possibilities not only in your life but in the lives of the clients you help in the future.
Just imagine being able to understand why people do the things they do and being able to communicate with them in a way that they will totally accept what it is you want them to hear
Just imagine being able to effectively use that knowledge to create win/win situations for yourself and others.
Just imagine how great it would be if you could have instant rapport both on the phone and in person with anyone you want to.
Would you like to know how to BREAK FREE and catapult your life into an exciting new direction where all your impossible dreams can come to fruition?
Can you begin to imagine how great it would feel to eliminate “excess emotional baggage” and to free yourself from limiting decisions that are currently holding you back from achieving your greatest successes?
Can you imagine creating powerful goals and intentions and actually bringing them to a successful result
Imagine living your life the way your want to live it being free to make decisions without restrictions.
Just imagine assisting someone in crisis to change their life giving them the freedom to live their life without the restrictions that have been holding them back
Just imagine having a successful business, becoming an expert in mind body effective communication and being part of a network of empowered people
Hypnosis and Life Coaching has been around for thousands of years back to when the Ancient Egyptians practiced induced altered states of consciousness for healing purposes. The Ancient Egyptians had an enormous knowledge of how our mind works and how to make changes to bring about an altered state of wellbeing and health.

A highly effective therapist, counsellor or life coach should have a wide range of technologies in their toolbox in order to assist their clients. Not everybody responds to the same therapy techniques and for this reason you have to be flexible with the tools to assist your client while they are with you in that moment in time. Client’s always reach out for assistance when they are in crisis and if it is your number they have called then you need to be in a position of being an expert because it may be the one time they venture forth to seek help. It is a huge mistake to think that any one technology is better than any other because you never know what your client is going to need to move past their crisis.
However, having said that, all healing and breakthroughs occur within the mind before transferring to the body. Therefore, it is a good idea that as well as physical therapies like Reiki, Kinesiology and all the other excellent therapies out there, that you understand how the mind works and how to assist your client to change their thinking and release deep rooted emotions within the unconscious mind before moving on to the physical healing technologies.
Hypnosis as we know it today has only been around for a few hundred years and yet it still conjures up an aura of mystique for many people. Most people know hypnosis only from what they have seen in movies or from Hypnosis stage shows. But Hypnosis is so much more. Hypnosis is a key that opens the door to unlimited possibilities that you have stored in your unconscious mind. But what are unlimited possibilities if you don’t know how to harness them and use them to create the life you really want?
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis or hypnotherapy as it is also known, is a form of guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness that is known as being in a trance. Your attention is so focused while you are in this state that anything going on around you is temporarily blocked out or ignored. In this naturally occurring state that either with the aid of a trained therapist or during self hypnosis, you are able to effect profound and lasting changes at the unconscious level. Click here to read more about Hypnosis
Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training
Our Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training is designed to accelerate your Hypnosis and Life Coach learning process and is approved by the American Board of Hypnotherapy. In just 7 days, you will not only be able to use self hypnosis and Life coaching techniques to enhance your own life, but you will also have the tools to induce trance in others to assist them through hypnosis, use powerful life coach and Time Line Therapy Techniques (TM) to :
- lose weight or overcome eating disorders,
- stop smoking,
- overcome childhood issues,
- overcome sleep disorders,
- enhance their performance and motivation,
- manage mild despression,
- manage their stress levels to better manage their life,
- reach deeper levels of relaxation,
- eliminate their fears, anxiety and negative emotions such as anger, sadness and hurt
- overcome relationship issues,
- manage life changes and make behavourial changes,
- and so much more.
In just 7 days you will be certified as a Hypnotherapist and Life Coach and will have the skills to make a difference in your client’s lives in so many ways. But most of all you will discover a new magnificent and powerful you that you didn’t know existed.
As an added bonus you will also learn how to effectively use Time Line Therapy(TM) to make lasting changes both within yourself and others in as little as 5-10 mins. This is the most powerful technology on the planet for permanently letting go of all negative emotion, life patterns and limiting decisions that have been either developed in this lifetime or inherited through past life and genealogical transitions.
Many people take this training in order to embark on a new career or to enhance their current skills base. The Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training is the first step towards personal empowerment and success. Join the thousands of people who have already changed their lives by joining the Hypnosis and Life Coach revolution.
Why Enrol in Our Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training?
This will be the Most Intense, Life Transforming and Liberating 7 Days of Your Life!
The life changing secrets revealed during this training are among the most powerful and effective tools in the world. Thousands of people have used them to create their ultimate personal relationship, successful and fulfilling careers, successful businesses, perfect health and fitness – in fact everything to create the perfect happy and fulfilled life.
Business people have used them to gain the edge on their competitors and to considerably boost their income in a very short period of time.
Therapists, Coaches and Educators have impacted thousands of lives as a result of having these tools at their disposal.
What You Learn in the Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training Can Transform Your Life Forever,Just as it Has For Many Others Before You.
- Because you’ll get proven strategies which are time tested to work. No part of Hypnosis and Life Coaching is as a result of chance.
- Because you’ll receive a step-by-step process outlining exactly what the process is to move from where you are right now to where you want to be… whether it’s changes in your personal life, your business, your career, your health and fitness, you can feel certain that every single aspect will be covered.
- Get ready for a training unlike anything else you’ve ever come across. Compared to self help, personal development or business development trainings, the Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training is totally unique. You won’t believe how simple everything is to grasp, use and apply to produce the type of results you’re looking to achieve.
- Because you’re not going to have to wait years to see changes in your life after completing the Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Training. It’s true! Expect to experience measurable results very quickly. In fact students in the past have experienced changes within themselves while they were still doing the training – changes that their friends and family noticed.. More importantly, you will be able to use these techniques to change the lives of others who seek you out for assistance.
- Because you’ll understand strategies even most counsellors and psychologists are totally oblivious to, and, you’ll be able to recognise which strategies apply to different individuals and personality styles. Our Hypnosis and Life Coach graduates are widely recognised for being able to help people no-one else can.
- Because once you do the training, you will hold the power in your hands to control your life – you’ll be the person in the driver’s seat…. in control of your mind… and in a position to swiftly eradicate problems that arise and even turn them into opportunities.
- Because it is exciting and expands your thinking and your awareness. Knowledge is power and with personal empowerment comes freedom. Hypnosis and Life Coaching is the key to unlocking the door to endless possibilities.
- Because once you successfully complete the Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Training, you will be a certified hypnotherapist and Life Coach and will be able to assist others to make changes in their life which is a very rewarding career.
For instance I have trained brilliant negotiators, taught sales people powerful tools to gain rapport with their customers to close every sale. I’ve trained many therapists in Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy(TM) and Life Coaching because it is so very important to have as many tools as possible in your toolbox when your client walks in the door. Hypnosis and Life Coaching can be used in so many different scenarios to assist you to have exactly the life you want. But many people take this training for their own personal development. Whatever your reason for taking the Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coaching Certification training, we can guarantee that you will change the way you think and your ability to communicate effectively with others will be enhanced enormously.
In just 7 days you will not only know how to free yourself of your “baggage” but will also know how to do the process and be able to help others to rid themselves of their “baggage”. Plus you will have the skills to motivate and empower people to achieve success in their life.
Do you Want to Kick Start Your Life in a New Direction?
Enrol in our Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training 
The Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training is the next step to take if you have an interest in Hypnosis and Life Coaching and want to have the skills to use hypnosis and Life Coaching to work with others. It is also the first step towards personal empowerment and success.
Take that First Step Right Now!
Enrol in our 7 day Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training and be Certified as a Hypnotherapist and Life Coach
and as an added bonus you will also be trained in Effectively Using Time Line Therapy(TM) Techniques by a Master Trainer in Time Line Therapy(TM) Techniques
What You Will Cover in Your 7 day Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training..
Take advantage of the opportunity to learn the ancient art of Hypnosis and Life Coaching. People all over the world are looking for alternative ways to overcome habits, addictions and adversity in their lives. Now you can help them to do this.
- How to Communicate With Your Client
- Taking a Detailed Personal History
- Understand the Power of the Mind and the Way the Mind and Body Communicate
Using powerful hypnotic language to create change
- History of Hypnosis
- Stages of Hypnosis Using a Pendulum to communicate with the body
- Suggestibility Tests
- Erickson Inductions
- Induction Processes including arm catalepsy
- Using Post Hypnotic Suggestions
- Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind
- Gaining Rapport
- Tools for eliminating addictions and habits
- Ericksonian Language Patterns
- Anchoring your client
- Parts Integration
- Scope of Practice
- Marketing Techniques for Your Practice
- Interviewing Potential clients
- AND so much more
- PLUS as an added BONUS you will be trained in effectively using Time Line Therapy(TM) Techniques to let go of negative emotions and limiting decisions in as little as 5-10 minutes .
All fees for the Hypnosis Training must be paid in full prior to the commencement of the course. Payment plans are available for students upon request, however eligibility conditions apply and payment plan must be completion prior to the commencement of the Hypnosis Training.
Withdrawal from enrolment prior to commencement of the Hypnosis Training will incur an administration fee of $150, and withdrawal from enrolment within 21 days of commencement will incur a $300 administration fee.
Please note: No refund is available to students who withdraw from enrolment after commencement of the Intensive Hypnosis and Life Coach Certification Training.